To me, the most fun wedding related activity is dress shopping. If you’re anything like me, I’m sure that you’ve been looking online for a wedding dress since the web was invented. I remember sketching mine when I was still in middle school. It was quite hideous…as it was a short body hugging inner layer with a sheer and poufy outer layer. But I watched a lot of Sailor Moon around that time and I’m sure I modeled it after one of her get-ups.
In high school, I wanted a huge ballroom gown with a cathedral train and veil. And of course, this had everything to do with the fact that I was completely and utterly in love with Prince William. I was sure he was the one. And I was going to be the ultimate princess bride.
In college – the emo days – it was all about the simple dress – no poof – and I was getting married on a beach somewhere….maybe even Boracay. But after college, I all of sudden started having hot flash issues and having a beach wedding where I would sweat profusely didn’t seem like such a good idea anymore.
And through further refinement of what I think would look good on me…what I think would be classy…would hide the pit fat…and flatter everything else, I found THE dress online about two years ago. Unfortunately, because I found it two years ago, it seems that the dress is actually nowhere to be found other than on the web. The style is called Alvina Valenta 9906. If anyone can find this dress for me, let me know ASAP!
In the meantime, I didn’t waste any time taking advantage of a good sample sale. Last week, Priscilla of Boston had one of their blowout sales where sample dresses were an additional 50% off their already marked down price. It was the first time I had actually even tried on dresses and I acted like a little kid…no, a little kid deprived of any sweets…in a candy store. Thinking that it would be running-of-the-brides-esq, I arrive early just to ensure a spot…and of course, I felt just somewhat crazy when I find that I’m the only one waiting for them to open upon arrival. I walked out of that store with not one, but THREE dresses.

The second dress was very similar to what I had envisioned myself in. A dress with straps, flowy fit and flare, simple, and flattering. I felt great it in not only because of its stye but especially the price. I purchased that dress for a whopping $100. It was originally $4K and I just couldn’t, in my right mind, walk out of that store without that dress. (Not showing pics of this one =)
So that’s my dress shopping journey so far. I’m still eyeing others (because I not getting married til 2012 and wedding dress shopping is just TOO fun) but I know that I have budget and there's really no room for me to exceed that.
we went to the Bridal Garden in NYC which is essentially a year round sample sale, and all proceeds are donated to charity, and your purchase receipt can be a tax writeoff :)
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I love all the dresses!!! I'll look around for that first dress. Have you ever tried that on?